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⭐️ Embrace the Reset Button with a 90-Day Wellness Journey ⭐️

90-day wellness reset essential oils for wellness foundational wellness health reset plan healthy lifestyle tips holistic health approach improving energy levels managing toxicity natural health solutions natural remedies for health nutritional deficiencies root causes of health issues sustainable wellness wellness and longevity wellness mindset Aug 24, 2024

Hey there, wellness seekers!

Welcome to my blog! I'm thrilled to share some insights and practical tips to help you hit the reset button on your health and well-being. I’m Victoria Plekenpol, and I’ve dedicated my life to helping people embrace natural wellness. Today, we’re diving into a transformative journey: the 90-day reset. So, grab a cup of tea, get comfy, and let’s explore how you can build a strong foundation for lasting health.

Foundational Wellness: A Mindset Shift

When it comes to wellness, mindset is everything. It’s not just about tackling symptoms—it's about nurturing your well-being from the inside out. Think of wellness like a pyramid. On one side, you have the traditional approach, which focuses on treating symptoms as they arise. On the other side, you have a more holistic approach that emphasizes understanding and addressing root causes. Our goal is to build a wellness foundation that supports long-term health rather than just putting out fires.

Assessing Your Health Priorities

Before we dive deeper, let’s take a moment to reflect on your personal health priorities. You might have taken a vitality assessment before coming here. This tool helps you identify what matters most to you in terms of your health. (if you haven't taken it, here it is!) Whether it’s improving sleep, managing stress, or boosting energy, write down your top three priorities. This will be your roadmap as we navigate the 90-day reset together.

From Firefighting to Foundation-Building

Many of us are familiar with the reactive approach to health—grabbing for quick fixes when symptoms flare up. While it’s essential to have solutions at hand for those acute moments (like when I reached for Deep Blue essential oil after a biking accident), relying solely on this method isn’t a sustainable way to achieve optimal wellness.

Instead, let’s focus on building a solid foundation for your health. Think of it like bricklaying versus firefighting. Firefighting addresses immediate needs, but bricklaying builds something enduring and resilient. By consistently meeting your body’s root needs and addressing issues as they arise, you create a sustainable, strong wellness foundation.

The Shortcomings of Modern Health Approaches

The modern healthcare system often emphasizes symptom management, which can lead to an endless cycle of chasing symptoms without addressing underlying causes. Despite advances in medicine, many people still struggle with chronic conditions and an overall decline in health. It’s time to consider whether we’re missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

Redefining Wellness: A More Effective Approach

There is a better way to approach health and wellness. By focusing on consistent, proactive care, you can enhance your well-being and resolve root causes. This approach not only helps you avoid chasing symptoms but also ensures that you have more energy and a better quality of life.

Building Your Wellness Foundation

Creating a wellness foundation is simpler than you might think. The key is to balance the right nutrients and reduce exposure to toxins. Most health issues stem from either an excess of harmful substances or a deficiency of essential nutrients. By addressing these areas, you can support your body’s natural healing processes and maintain optimal health.

Nourishing Your Body with Proper Nutrition

One of the most common challenges we face is getting adequate nutrition. Our modern diets often lack essential nutrients due to processed foods and depleted soil. This deficiency contributes to various health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and cognitive decline. By focusing on a nutrient-rich diet and possibly supplementing with high-quality vitamins, you can bridge the gap and support your health effectively.

Managing Toxic Exposure

Environmental toxins are everywhere—from the air we breathe to the products we use daily. These toxins can accumulate in our bodies and contribute to various health problems. While it’s impossible to avoid all toxins, we can take steps to minimize exposure and support our body’s detoxification processes. This might include using natural cleaning products, choosing organic foods, and incorporating detoxifying practices into your routine.

Taking Control of Your Health

Ultimately, you have the power to take control of your health. With the right strategies and resources, you can move beyond symptom management and focus on creating lasting wellness. Embrace a proactive approach to health, and let modern medicine serve its best purpose—supporting you in times of crisis.

Thank you for joining me on this journey to better health. I hope these insights help you build a strong foundation for your wellness journey. Remember, taking small, consistent steps can lead to significant changes over time.

Until next time, stay well and be kind to yourself!

As always, feel free to book a complimentary wellness consultation with me so we can help you achieve your optimal wellness! Book Here

⭐️ Be well,

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